My Plant

An app that helps the user to identify
plants and provides informative aftercare about their little green friend. The user can personalize the app by adding the specific plants into the house plant profile. As more collects more data about the plant, it will notify the user, and live track their plants' health and needs.


User Research
Screen Animation

Market Research

The American gardening industry alone is now worth $48bn, according to the National Gardening Association.That is big business and it is getting bigger. Younger fingers in particular are becoming greener. Last year Blank sold more than 100,000 plants, more than 270 a day, predominantly to millennials, pulling in around $5m in revenue

From the results graphed below, we see that sales have been rising steadily since 2008. There was a peak in 2012, followed by a gradual increase every year until sales rose significantly between 2017 and 2018. Sales in 2019 so far, from January to July, have increased at a higher rate than in previous years.

Print unit sales- January 2008 to July 2019
Gardening, House Plant & Indoor (BNC Sales Data)

01 Problem

Each year consumers dive into the house plant market and become plant owners. But some are lacking experience in taking care of their plants long-term. Often forget to water and fertilize the soil, and continue the care of keeping their plants healthy.

02 Solution

This app can help the user track their plants' health. With regular reminders set within the app, watering and fertilizing the plants will be an easy task. Additionally, it gives users access to in-depth gardening knowledge and tips, definitely a helpful app to keep the plant owner on track.

App Redesign

In-depth Info Breakdown

UI Wireframe

Live User Flow