One-Time Share

Project Overview

An add-on feature for the current Keeper App, to generate and share temporary, Read-Only access with a secure One-Time Share Link to someone without Keeper Vault.


2 Weeks


IOS Keeper App

My Responsibilities



UI Research

Final Deliverables

Design Tools




Design Challenges

1. Design restrictions, add-on feature on the Keeper Vault

2. The feature needs to include - multiple ways to share without crowding the existing interface

3. Sharing need to be customizable for each user

4. Design Space & Language translation accessibility to 26 none English Language platforms


1. Reduce risk on sensitive data and security breaches

2. Effortless sharing process for both B2B & B2C users

3. The feature opens up internal & external collaborations

4. Introduce Keeper App to more none Keeper users - vendors, partners, suppliers or contractors

User Persona


Julia , a small business ownerShe’s tech-savvy and always looking for ways to improve the efficiency of her business. Recently, she has been searching for an app that can help her share links with customers quickly and easily. Jane needs an external share link so that she can provide photographers with access to unreleased product information while they brainstorm the next campaign, without having them to print the sensitive patented product out in the open . She wants something user-friendly and intuitive so that it doesn’t take away from valuable time spent on other tasks related to running her business.

Pain Points

1. Collaborations with creators outside of her company

2. Straight forward, not complicated process

3. Doesn’t want to waste valuable time

4. Have accessibility control of the sharing process

Enterprise & Business


Joseph, a recent Keeper Vault User, work as a freelance copywriter that spent lots of time working remotely with different clients. He needs to send out his personal information- such as his Driver's License,  Banking information, and even project files, so he can get paid for each of the projects. He felt sending personal information through google email is too risky and easy to get hacked - so he uses the Keeper One-Time Share link to stay protected and encrypted on the digital informations he shares across platforms

Pain Points

1. Unclear information

2. Base-level knowledge of Keeper App

3. Only skimming through necessary info

4. Always on the go


Initial User Flow

Initial Wireframe

What I learned

1. We can go in depth, creating time calendar for the user, to nail down the the most accurate sharing time.
( Pacific time or Central time )

2. Gave user the power to cancel the sharing process, if the user decides to stop sharing the confidential information with the person,

3. Creating a sharing history that helps user track what information, when the information has being shared.

4. Introduce more sharing options, such as QR code, Message, Email and even Airdrop, giving the user the flexibility of how they want to share the information.

Evolution- User Flow

Evolution - One-Time Share

01 Evolution

02  Ways of Sharing

03  Custom Date and Time

04  History ( Active / Expired )

05 Dark-mode Accessibility

Prototype Animation